Hey Atlanta, I’ve got a question for you – what do you get when you combine the reliability of car travel, the rider capacity of a railway, the convenience of a bike, and the savings of those shareable scooters?
It’s Glydways – an autonomous transportation network capable of revolutionizing mass transit and BeltLine travel for the better.
How Does It Work?
The concept of Glydways is simple. By using a system of autonomous vehicles that travel within the space of a bike lane, we can create affordable, eco-friendly, and more efficient public transportation for Atlanta’s BeltLine. Best of all, Glydways can service thousands of passengers – every hour.
What Are the Benefits?
If “affordable, eco-friendly, and more efficient” hasn’t already done it for you, let’s talk specifics.
The infrastructure for Glydways costs about 10% of what other public transportation systems require. Especially for the BeltLine, which already presents an intuitive fit for Glydways because of its corridor of pre-existing trails and prepped transit lanes. These infrastructure savings would make for much smarter transit investment in the community.
Instead of laying tracks and erecting unsightly wires and poles for a light rail system, imagine simply constructing a second trail adjacent to the existing one. Where the corridor is too tight for both trail and rail, the Glydways path could be elevated over the existing trail and still cost 50% less than rail for those sections.
The Vehicles
The Glydways vehicles operate in a dedicated system via autonomous technology, which essentially means they self-navigate through closed-off, bike-sized lanes without any need for user operation. Each ride is private, so you’ll never have to share a vehicle with a stranger.
When sufficiently developed, Glydways network accommodates up to 10,800 passengers per hour. To put this statistic another way: in just one hour, Glydways can service the same travel capacity of a 5-lane highway in just one 1.5-meter-wide lane. According to current data, the most heavily trafficked parts of the Atlanta BeltLine swell to about 5000 people per day – suggesting that Glydways can more than accommodate current traffic patterns and large traffic growth.
The Glydways network is available 24/7, on-demand. There are no stops between your access point and destination, so nothing will get between you and improved travel.
A Better Way to Transport
With Glydways, the future of alternative transportation is already here – and just in time. With crumbling infrastructure, rising urban populations, and climate crises, enhancing our transit systems is needed now more than ever.
Thankfully, Glydways has already started projects in cities like San Jose and San Francisco, and now Atlanta has the opportunity to follow close behind.
Want to live near the BeltLine? You can start your search here.
This could be the Beltline transit solution.