Could Atlanta Transit Be Profitable…Again?

Inman Park Trolley Barn on Edgewood Avenue Streetcar Line Atlanta’s first electric streetcar line was introduced in 1889 and operated on private funds.  And it was profitable.  The streetcar ran from Joel Hurt’s downtown skyscraper, the Hurt Building, along Edgewood Avenue to Inman Park.  Edgewood Avenue was originally built for horsecars but electric streetcars replaced them just 3 years later. Just like the Atlanta & Edgewood Street Railway, BeltLine … [Read more...]

The Allure of Atlanta’s Soon-To-Be Largest Park

Image courtesy of If you took a quick poll of Atlanta residents, how many could honestly say they’ve heard of Bellwood Quarry? It won’t be long until it will be hard to find anyone who hasn’t heard of it. Why? Bellwood Quarry is about to be the featured attraction in Atlanta’s newest - and largest - park, Westside Park. At nearly 100 acres larger than the next largest park, Piedmont, Westside Park will be the crown jewel of the Atlanta Beltline. Westside Park - What is … [Read more...]