Our Atlanta Botanical Gardens Adventures

There are many wonderful advantages to living just two blocks from the Atlanta BeltLine Eastside Trail, one of them being an enjoyable bike ride to The Atlanta Botanical Gardens! It first occurred to us to pedal to the petals this summer when we took a little “stay-cation” to celebrate our 23rd wedding anniversary. Turns out it was a very good idea. We rode the Eastside Trail to Monroe and stopped for lunch at Woody’s. We each had a Polish Sausage Dog and a Sweetwater 420 - DEELISH!  Then, … [Read more...]

A Circle of Forest in the City in a Forest

Typically when you think urban, you think of concrete, asphalt, iron, glass, stone -- lots of hardscape and not-so-many trees. Rarely do you think of any metropolitan space as a green oasis, but Atlanta has long held a unique position in large metropolitan areas as the “City in a Forest” due to it’s abundance of trees. National Geographic recently gushed: For a sprawling city with the nation’s ninth-largest metro area, Atlanta is surprisingly lush with trees—magnolias, dogwoods, Southern … [Read more...]

What’s Up With the Weeds on the Eastside Trail?

After volunteers planted over 109,000 native grass plugs earlier this year, it may appear that the weeds are winning the war along the Eastside Trail corridor. But careful attention to the signage Trees Atlanta has staggered along the way tells a different story. Apparently this is all part of the process of replacing a "damaged urban ecosystem" with low-maintenance (no mowing!) prairies and meadows that will leap to life in 2015. Doctor Seuss couldn't have said, or illustrated it, … [Read more...]