BeltLine Rail Now, Already

The promise of light rail on the Atlanta BeltLine has always been just that – a promise. While the initial premise of the BeltLine centered on light rail in addition to pedestrian access, the light rail infrastructure never materialized and now anxious residents of BeltLine neighborhoods are left wondering if light rail in their neighborhood will remain a myth.

On May 27th, MARTA made extensive promises that light rail will be a reality on the BeltLine by 2027. While space exists on the BeltLine to install the rail, many safety and infrastructure improvements must still be made. Light rail on the beltline is a must to further promote equity and affordable housing in BeltLine neighborhoods.

Light Rail on the BeltLine: The Time is Now

Recent events beyond the BeltLine have made the time ripe for activists, neighbors, and citizens of Atlanta to come together and pressure civic leaders to make a decision on light rail. BeltLine Rail Now is a community group dedicated to making light rail on the BeltLine real – now!

The Biden administration has promised billions to railroads across the country. The Transportation Secretary himself has made it clear that the BeltLine – and light rail – is a model for equity and affordable housing that the current administration in Washington would like to see replicated in urban areas across the country.

Is Light Rail on the BeltLine Possible Now?

Absolutely. Unlike the Downtown Streetcar, the light rail on the BeltLine will not interrupt traffic on standard roads. It will run parallel to existing trails in a dedicated guideway. Best of all, the space for the light rail is already allocated as the rail lines were part of the original plans for the BeltLine.

The only thing holding back light rail from becoming a reality is money (and political will). With “Amtrak” Joe Biden running a Federal administration sympathetic to urban transit issues, the time has never been better to access federal funds to make BeltLine light rail a reality. 

What Can I Do?

Go to to get involved to help speed up the process for getting light rail on the BeltLine – now! You can sign a petition or volunteer on one of our committees that joins like-minded people in improving the BeltLine and surrounding neighborhoods.

If you are a community organizer, invite BeltLine Rail Now to your next community meeting. We’ll fill you in on all the latest news on the light rail project and tell your members how they can help envision a BeltLine that has transit options for all!

Image courtesy Christopher Martin

About Burke Sisco

Burke Sisco is a Realtor and Associate Broker of eXp Realty (License #245380) with over 20 years of experience in the Atlanta real estate market. He calls the surging infra-culture around the BeltLine both home and business territory and is the founder and managing editor of He has helped a number of satisfied clients buy and sell property in BeltLandia. Those interested in living the BeltLandia Lifestyle can reach Burke at 404.421.9968 or by email at

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