Posh Pastries for People and Pups at Parish

On another cool and comfortable early Saturday morning before we were once more oppressed by humidity and relentless sunshine, Beltlandia beckoned me towards Parish: The Brasserie and Neighborhood Cafe. A name evocative of New Orleans, my second love, enticed me to check it out and may have clouded my notions about the restaurant a little. I arrived at the neighborhood cafe in the back just as they opened and it filled up fairly quickly within twenty minutes or so. Located in Inman Park right … [Read more...]

There’s gold in them thar hoods!

I just took a peek at the latest statistics for a few neighborhoods around the BeltLine Westside Trail -- namely Adair Park, West End, West View, and Capitol View. The median days on the market for homes sold in the past six months was just 13 and average sales prices were over 100% of asking price. The land rush to the West is clearly on! And it’s going to get more intense as the completion of the BeltLine Westside Trail approaches. But at this stage I still talk to people in the market … [Read more...]

BeltLandia Weekender: July 22nd – 24th, 2016

This weekend's events are a bit on the lighter side this time but only because you will have a lot of indulging to do. Take your pick of the events Friday, but be sure to take it easy. Saturday you will want to take full advantage of the ice cream festival at Piedmont Park. My guess is you will have a slow start on Sunday following the sugar coma, so treat yourself to some brunch, take a nap and prepare for the celebration of National Tequila Day!* As always, have fun and consume ice cream … [Read more...]