Illuminarium – Take a Walk on the Wild Side

Have you ever dreamed of visiting Africa? Take a short detour off the Atlanta BeltLine Eastside Trail and you're virtually there. Illumanarium, the Beltline’s newest attraction, takes immersive entertainment to a whole new level, creating a space that will plunge you into the savannas of Africa complete with the sights, sounds - and even smells! Illuminarium, the first immersive experience of its kind in North America, is situated directly adjacent to the Atlanta Beltline Eastside Trail … [Read more...]

Some Very Cool Cats Live Along the BeltLine

Exhibit A is Piper. Piper lives close to Ponce City Market just a few feet from the BeltLine Eastside Trail. She lives in a drain pipe, thus the name. Piper sometimes runs across my path as I bicycle on the BeltLine. But I'm not scared, even though she is the proverbial black cat. She's not that kind of cat. In fact, Piper is such a cool cat that her neighbors set up a mailbox by her drain pipe where people leave her notes. Dear Piper, the BeltLine Kitty, you haz … [Read more...]